Acumen Crafters
- Acumen Crafters is a brainchild of “Professor Vishal “.
- Our Founder dedicated himself to the exploration of methods of processing and retaining the concepts.
- At Acumen Crafters, We have taught CA students throughout the nation.
- The Prof. & his team is well versed with the struggle CA STUDENTS specially CA RE-ATTEMPTERS go through during this process, Our goal is to simplify the process for you.
- We are here to Nurture you, but at the same time we’re here to create the needed discipline into your personality (through the way we teach) and that discipline, once inculcated in you, is going to benefit to a level where you’ll be able to clear CA Inter/ Final in first attempt.
The Professor
Acumen Crafters was formed in 2015 by Prof. Vishal , who had now been Teaching for more than Nine years with vast experience in the field of Audit and IT-SM/EIS-SM.
He had an extensive Exposure in multiple fields of Audit and taxation throughout his internship at various firms and after getting done with his Chartered Accountancy Degree he decided to get into teaching after a small term of working in CA Firms.
He is a very Energetic and Extremely Dedicated Teacher, who strongly believes in raising Standards and going Beyond the normal.
He explains his subjects in the most lucid manner with most real life examples and case studies that leaves an imprint of the concepts in mind forever.
His use of mnemonics, and memory techniques makes things easier. His coverage of syllabus is so comprehensive, that there would not be any area he would miss.
His books are a very clear reflection of how much effort he puts into giving his students, the best that they deserve.
His way of keeping his students highly motivated has given no. of students a clear vision and a new way to discipline themselves and clear their exams.
His Students have continuously been scoring exemptions in the past years. He has been giving highly emphasized attention and strength to students who have far been stuck in vicious circle of giving attempts one after other without hope.
In the last Eight year he has helped many students (who were giving almost their 3rd /4th attempt) clear IPCC/inter Group 2, as well as Final Auditing and ISCA subjects through his Specialized Classes for Re-attempters and Test Series thereby empowering them to score good marks with a mix of minimum above 50’s (from very low numbers scored previously) and even exemptions in his subjects.
We envision building an Educational –organisation that serves the most essential needs of CA Aspirants
i.e. CORE understanding of the subject & building holistic CONFIDENCE.
Highest emphasis on reducing the CA fail rate to 0% for every student we teach.
Ensuring completion of the CA curriculum within the specific timeline defined by ICAI of three years.
We believe that learning how to learn is just as important..For which we use a combination of
METHODOLOGIES & APPROACHES based on Improved data interpretation.
We have been putting a devoted effort in CRAFTING the ACUMEN of CA aspirants to build a foundation that involves utmost attention to
detail in achieving absolute alignment with ICAI’s paper pattern
Our mission is tied to a Majority-Minority Dilemma that we wish to resolve.
In approximation, only 20% of all aspirants of ICAI clear CA exams.
Our concern is the Majority 80% CA failure rate happening every attempt
with a lot of AGONY associated with it.
To be with that 80%, RAISE their spirits & ENABLE them to join & broaden the ratios to
80% success rate in CA exams, not just in AUDIT but in all the other subjects as well
We are here to nurture you and also, we aim to eliminate the fear of failure in CA exams & CURRICULUM itself
by bringing out a sense of confidence in CA ASPIRANTS through our teaching and discipline methodology.
The Professor & his 4 Commandments
” Your Failure is not your Failure but Mine and I am Not Interested in Failing, Therefore I will make sure that you Don’t Fail.”
Rejection Rate
I am hyper-focused on the 80-90% “CA fail Rate” and I want you to understand carefully that ICAI’s Evaluation Standards are not the problem,
Incompetent Preparations are.
I realized that most of the CA online courses are providing all the necessary Content/ Curriculum but not with the tools to tackle the curriculum,Although all of the information (methodology) needed has been laid out by our prestigious institute of ICAI.
I don’t expect you to fight this alone, If the methodology and its application are not delivered to you as a whole, it is but a lack on part of the mentor.
As a mentor, I WILL TRY to help YOU clear CA in first attempt, foster discipline through methodologies derived by me over years of my practice.
It has been and will be my NEVER ENDING pursuit to guide every CA Student to develop a better relationship with every dimension of the process itself and
Discipline happens to be the foundation of it.
Acumen Crafting (Backed by Passion)
Noticing the spaces between the Data/Curriculum provided and its Understanding and Application (essentially the understanding of the methodology and its application) became the reason why I started teaching.
My goal is to teach you how to be competent in your CA preparations so that you no longer FEAR failure in CA exams. CA is not easy but can be simplified, understood and surpassed with the right methods, discipline and mindset