New Transition Scheme for Audit May 2024

ICAI New Scheme For Audit May 2024

New Scheme for Audit May 2024

In the New Scheme for May 2024, there have been significant changes in the CA Inter AUDIT syllabus. While Old Chapters 9, 12, and 13 remain mostly the same, Old Chapters 1-8 have undergone substantial reshuffling, with around 30-40% of the text being altered in some chapters.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of the changes:

Although, a greater part of (Ch. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7) has been retained from the previous content, a lot of headings, while being the same, the content within has undergone a drastic change, while also some new topics have been added.

1. Old Chapter 1: This has been divided into two chapters – Chapter 1 and Chapter 11. Chapter 1 now contains SA 200 in an elaborate form, while Chapter 11 consists of SA 210, 220, and SQC 1.

2. New Chapter 2: Only SA 320 has been shifted to the New Chapter 3. The rest of Chapter 2 (SA 300, 315) remains the same.

3. New Chapter 3: This chapter comprises SA 320 (from old Chapter 2), TOC 330 retained from old Chapter 3, the last few concepts of old Chapter 4, content from old Chapter 6, and additional new concepts.

4. New Chapter 4: It contains concepts from old Chapter 3, including SA 500, 501, 550, SA 520, 530, and New SA 610.

5. New Chapter 5: This is equivalent to the old Chapter 9.

6. New Chapter 6: It only contains SA 230 (from old Chapter 3).

7. New Chapter 7: SA 560, 570, 580 (from old Chapter 3) and new SA 260, 265, 450 are included.

8. Chapter 8: This chapter has been removed, and only CARO and Joint Audit have been retained, shifted to the New Chapter 8.

9. New Chapter 9: This corresponds to the old Chapter 13.

10. New Chapter 10: It mirrors the old Chapter 12.

11. New Chapter 11: This chapter consists of SA 210, 220, and SQC1, which were originally in Old Chapter 1.

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These changes reflect a comprehensive restructuring of the CA Inter AUDIT syllabus for the New Scheme in May 2024, aiming to provide students with a more detailed and updated understanding of the subject matter.

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